Thursday, May 1, 2008

My latest venture...

This past semester I've been in a public relations campaign class. It's an elective, and to tell the truth I love it. We planned and executed the mass media banquet and are now working on a final presentation for the United Way of Greater Topeka. We've been working on a campaign to promote brand awareness for their Born Learning program. It's been interesting, I've learned a lot and really had to pull out the teamwork skills.

I just thought I'd share the latest design project. This is for the jazz combo that played for our banquet. We couldn't pay them so we decided to design a poster for them instead.

Until later.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dang! This is cool! You're involved in all kinds of neat things! This sounds like it's right up your alley though. It's so cool to see your work.