Thursday, June 26, 2008

Adventures in boyland...

I never thought going to the restroom at a gay club would involve lines to get into the women's restroom. Oh, how wrong was I.

It just so happened that the three women in the club usually always had to use the facility at the same time. I was a little shocked though when I was in the front of the line (the other two women were behind me) when a guy in a pink shirt came out and giggled at me. His shirt was really cute. Speaking of cute, I did see a guy in a pink cowboy hat. The hat was great, but it did look much better on him than it ever would me. Same goes for the shirt.

The night crawls on and more and more people start showing up. Then chaos ensues when a slew of cop cars, lights blaring, whip up on a guy in a van I guess. I didn't see it first hand but I was glad the top floor bar we were in was secured by a building beneath because that weight shift to one side of the bar would have tipped us over. Everybody was looking and staring at this guy getting sat on my SFPD.

That's the moment I realized that I was in any typical bar. The only difference was who was kissing who. I mean, let's be honest, straight bars always have those one or two people who are the social butterfly only making an appearance from their cocoon when enough alcohol has been consumed to get the incredible hulk drunk. There was that guy there. He happened to be wearing CIA looking sunglasses, a popped collar and some plaid shorts. He knew everyone and he was making his rounds. Classic frat boy at Rusty's.

Then there is that person who creepily checks people out in the corner. Ok, this was probably me. So I'll skip over that one. I mean one of the guys I was hanging with did tell me I was so 'straightly obvious'. Which, to my defense, I didn't learn how to 'gay it up' till Sunday night so...I had no clue how to blend in yet.

There is also that girl at the club. You know who she is. The one with her ass hanging out, her mascara smeared and her hair looks like she's been on a three day hike in the desert. She's also double fisting it asking everyone if she looks ugly. Yep, saw one of them too. Only his voice was a bit deeper, but not by much.

I can't forget about the fake drunk either. That girl at the bar who is 'hammered' although injecting the same amount of booze into an embryo would only cause a small belch. Yep, she was there...only she was wearing a crazy tie and dancing naughty on some guys leg.

My point is a bar is a bar. Booze is booze and there is just one objective.

And we all know what that is.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! My favorite post yet (even though I may be a bit biased in this case). I thought it was totally funny. I'll look for all of those people when I'm out this weekend. I'm sure I'll see each of them again.

The injection of alcohol into the embryo was especially funny! But I laughed at all of it!