Friday, June 6, 2008

West meets southeast...

I'm going on vacation. By myself. Myra calls this 'empowering' I call it...single.

I will be jetting cross country to San Francisco in two weeks. Not only will it be my first trip west of the rockies, this will be the first glance a non-land-locked area for me. That has me pretty excited.

Oh yeah, and I get to see BJ. So, I got that going for me.

While I am there I am going to take in the Infineon Raceway Sprint Cup race. I've been to an oval, and I'm not really a fan of road courses but when you get a chance to go it's hard to pass up. Besides I am curious to see what race fans are like on the left coast. I hear it is an entirely different breed of redneck.

Hopefully I'll recruit another 'casual fan' to the world of left turns! Or...maybe not. Hey, for all I know I'll take up Salsa dancing once I get back in the sunflower state.

I'll have adventures to post about I'm sure!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww.... It's always nice to see one's name in the blog! I think we'll have lots of unique experiences. lol