Monday, July 14, 2008

Everyone knows best…

I’ve been doing some interviews around Kansas at various radio stations and one question always comes up. “What are your plans after the internship?”

I hate this question, I loathe this question, and I want to kick people in the teeth when they ask me this question. I hate it because I have to lie, and I hate lying…especially in public. How do you politely say…’not this’ without pissing anyone off? You don’t and that’s why I lie.

I’ve met a lot of interesting people along the way in just a short time as intern and let me tell you EVERYONE has a plan for me. No exceptions. My first trip I had a job thrust down my throat. I realize the guy was trying to be helpful and I appreciate that, but man, I don’t want to move to Pittsburg, Kansas and write for a farm magazine. I’m sorry. Let’s get that straight, I don’t really want to move to Pittsburg…ever. If I have to I may consider it, but right now I don’t want to.

I’m not going to say never because the minute I do I’ll be packing a U-Haul.

This weekend I met a gentleman that told me I should look into the CIA because they hire analysts with diverse backgrounds. It took everything I had not to laugh in his face. “Are you serious?” I wanted to ask, but politely smiled and said. “I’ll have to look into that.”

When I figure it out I’ll let you know. I have an idea what I want to do, but I don’t know if it’ll ever happen. Until I figure out if it’ll happen I have to be patient and not move half way across the state only to be there for a month and move back. I have my own damn timeline and I’ll figure it out when I figure it out. Asking me when I’m going to get a real job isn’t helping me.

I work really hard, and I’m trying to pay my dues. Everybody that considers themselves successful has had to do this. I’m not the first one that’s had to sit at county fairs counting mullets, running copies and doing meaningless tasks and sacrifice things like a retirement package and health care to get ahead. If I didn’t think I could do it, if I didn’t think I could make something of myself I would have never left Kansas State. I would have never left a cushy job to pursue a dream of doing something, anything that makes me just a little bit happy and requires brain cells.

So just be patient with me. I may be broke, I may have nothing to my name and I may be considered crazy for not seizing opportunities…but I’d rather be those than unhappy.

I’ll take the right opportunity when it comes knocking. You know I've always been told that if you wanna dance, you gotta pay the band.

Well…I’m collecting my deposit.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go you! That was awesome! I totally agree. You're going to be at the top of your league soon and when you get there, you're going to be happy that you had these experiences. (B/c they'll make great stories to tell!!)

As always, I'm super proud of you!