Monday, August 18, 2008


I wanted to sit down and write a blog today, however, I've been busier than a cat covering up a pile of poop. I only have a few minutes now because my new software finally got here and I'm throwing it onto the laptop as I type. Fun, exciting...and what makes it so exciting is I didn't have to buy it.

I have been traveling non-stop for the past couple weeks and this week is no exception. I'll be heading to the metro of Scandia tomorrow evening for a field day and will wrap up the week in Manhattan and Kansas City for board meetings. Maybe, just maybe after that I'll slow down.

I just got back from a trip to Lake of the Ozarks. Nothing like an 'educational' trip. I say educational because not only am I now one step closer to achieving my lifelong goal of becoming a fuel guru, I learned a crapload about individuals in upper management and how alcohol causes abrupt changes in personality.

It actually brings out a personality and they are quite tolerable individuals.

I ate lobster, hung out with some pretty cool people and learned a little too. Not a bad gig at all. It sure as hell beat being trapped inside the office with no windows for a week. Hell, anything beats that.

When I slow down from the crazy I'll write a reflective blog. Ok, so I'll write a blog, I'm not sure how 'reflective' it will be.


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