I've been MIA lately and solely because I've been traipsing across the state trying to generate a paycheck. It's not looking up either. I have a good three weeks of solid travel and hopefully the hotels they have me shacked up in have high speed.
I've learned a lot these past few weeks and I've decided to put together a comprehensive list of the things I've learned. This is by no means everything, but a generalization of life working the trade show/meeting circuit.
I meet a ton of people when I stand next to the bidiesel display and one thing I can tell you is a handshake says a lot about a person. One of my pet peeves is a fishy handshake, that limp and lifeless hand exchange that makes you wonder if you've just met a toddler. Strike that, I've met toddlers with better handshakes than some of these people. Isn't handshaking something you go over in career development (ie senior seminar or waste of a credit hour). I expect professionals to have a good firm handshake and so far I've been disappointed. It's ten times worse when these crappy handshakes come from men of power. Grow some balls man...shake my hand, don't hold it.
Dress for success
Here is another one of those gray areas. I'm not exactly sure what would classify as business casual, but I'm pretty sure brightly colored house dresses aren't listed under the category. In the past three days I've seen the same woman wear three very distinctive 'dresses'. Today was a cars theme (Mater and Lighting), yesterday was bright stripes in orange, greens, pinks and yellows. In fact yesterday's color scheme matched the days before, only the pattern was different. Ah, don't forget the dollar store sandals of matching color and the scrunchie of matching fabric. Fabric hair ties are out, have been for a while.
I'm all about free stuff, within reason. I picked up a small freebie complete with clippers, tweezers, scissors and a file. Now, the chances of me using this are highly likely so I picked it up. Trade shows yield marketing gimmicks to get a logo or product out there and they are highly effective, but that doesn't mean fill your purse with everything. For example, I brought out a bottles of biodiesel for display. The loud woman in the house dress...TOOK IT! I now have no example. There was only one and that should say 'not a handout' apparently I need to make a sign for my next show. In addition to free stuff, there are the snacks. I don't know how many people I counted yesterday that went up to the snack table and just opened up a bag and dumped in multiple bags of chips and cracker jacks, little tubs of jelly beans and sodas. Cuth, some people just don't have it.
Convention Centers
Usually associated with a nice hotel and located in some ghetto of a city to boost 'economic development'-are boring. They really like music with no lyrics too. At least they've heard of wireless.
Cell phones
Everyone here has one and those who have them at fingertip reach are under some false notion they are important. If they were that important within a company, they wouldn't be at this trade show. They'd be doing something much, much more important. If they have to talk on the cell phone, don't do it while others are talking or presenting. It's rude. They should have learned that in grade school. Nobody cares about an urgent, 'important call' because it is probably a secretary (or intern) calling to make them look important...per their request.
You never know who you'll meet
Think back about six years ago. Do you remember the people you met or may have met? Usually not, however, I ran into someone who I had met about six years ago-at a tailgate. I shook hands (correctly I might add) with a gentleman as I was being introduced to him. He looked familiar but I thought nothing of it, then he laughed. Something triggered something else and I realized this was the same drunk dude that stumbled over to our tailgate back in the day. He was with his son and a couple other people when they came out of the game (Missouri maybe?) and we had a great time with this guy. He was hilarious. It's nice to see that someone like that is equally funny sober too. Just proves that you always have to watch your ass because you never know who you'll run into.
Well this was just a few things I've picked up over the past few weeks. I'm sure I will keep learning as my internship wraps up. Honestly, isn't an internship for learning? I think these past few days have really helped out my quota. Next week I'm off to Lake of the Ozarks. Never been, so it should be interesting.
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