Monday, September 15, 2008

It's late...

It's after midnight, and why in the hell am I still up you ask?

Reason number one...
I'm in a hotel room in Hutchinson.

Right outside my hotel room window is highway 61. The plush highway view comes with several perks. The first perk is the gigantic restaurant sign. This sign makes Vegas casino's look like night lights.

The second perk is all the traffic that drives by. Now, in Hutch there isn't exactly a ton of traffic speeding by at this hour, but the traffic that is comes equip with curb feelers and bass thumping so loud it sounds like I'm at a Snoop Dogg concert.

Reason number two...
Something is living in the room refrigerator.

I'm convinced there is a woodpecker in there. I looked and I can't find anything, but something is pecking away. It only pecks for about 15 seconds, every 40 seconds, but it will not stop.

I tried to nudge the cool box, maybe it would help but to no avail the vibrating continued. It's almost as if it senses when I'm close to drifting off and the woodpecker starts its little dance to keep me awake.

I'd like to ring its little neck. I'm so tired I'm now believing there is a little bird living in there.

Reason number three...
The temperature in the room is comparable to an igloo.

I've never really been in a real igloo, but I have an Igloo cooler and I bet the temp in this room is comparable. I can't get warm and I refuse to turn on the heater because then I'd wake up and have meat falling off the bone. Note to self, bring longer socks on the next trip.

I'm going to try to go back to sleep. I just heard a train and believe it or not, I can sleep through those. Two run by my house nightly.

I'm about ready to unplug this damn fridge. It's insistent rattling is driving me crazy.


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