Wednesday, September 3, 2008

John Madden Syndrome...

Overstating the obvious.

This must be something that people are born with. The inability to simplify and take for granted people are not as dumb as they look.

I just can't figure out why I've been placed in a situation where people with this syndrome are around me daily. Maybe it has to do with age. The older people get the more the syndrome amplifies when talking to a younger individual.

I have been blessed with something not everyone has, common sense.

I can function with minimal guidance and I do it daily. I thought I had proven this through countless completed tasks.

It's a tough gig for someone as sarcastic as me. I have to really fight hard not to be snarky and pop back comments such as...

"You are going to put that carpet in the truck?" -"No, I thought I'd strap it to my back and just start walking."

I feel like Bill Engvall passing out signs. That would be more fun. Instead I'm stuck in a booth getting my intelligence insulted. Now I know what Al Michaels feels like. Thank god I'm not in front of an audience of millions.


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