That's okay because I know I'll figure something out sooner or later. I have to stay positive and think of the things that I do have and try not to dwell on things I don't have.
I've really been thinking lately because let's face it, I have the time. Maybe I'm not employed yet because I'm not where I'm supposed to be. Maybe somebody is trying to tell me that I'm not on the right track, that I've taken a wrong turn somewhere.
Now, to figure out exactly which track to jump on and explore.
There are endless possibilities.
That is a good point. I think life presents us with our choices at the right time and sometimes we just aren't at the right spot when we are trying to make those decisions. Don't worry, it will all come together. And if you need to be exploring a different track, a little light should shine in that direction soon.
But caution... If it's dark, don't jump for those bright lights...It could be a Mac truck! lol (Sorry, I know that doesn't help.)
Hopefully that summer road trip will help! You know I've got your back...good luck! BTW - once you figure it out...let me know!
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