Tuesday, June 23, 2009


What do you do on a hot night, when the temperature reaches a balmy 92 degrees?

You sit in the recliner and watch television. This is a bummer because usually on these warm summer nights I am at a ball field watching or coaching or just keeping myself occupied. It is hot enough to make a lizard in Death Valley head for the ice box, so opted to take in some ABC this evening.

How depressing.

There was not much to choose from, even with DirecTV the pickings were slim. I settled in to watch a new show called the 'The Superstars'. I should have known it would be lame when I hadn't heard of half the 'celebrities' and a few on the 'pro' side were retired.

Terrell Owens was a competitor and it quickly occurred to me that the same group that casts MTV's The Real World must have paired the teams. Owens was paired with Joanna Krupa, voted the world's sexiest model. Apparently that voting is not about what is on the inside. I had not heard of her and she was a bigger diva than no. 81. Yeah, it is possible.

It was like a train wreck, I could not stop watching although I really wanted to. And then I flipped to NBC. That was worse yet. When Sanjaya and the crooked Illinois governors wife (Patti Blagojevich) are considered 'celebrities' - my television evening was officially screwed.

Back to ABC I went and thank goodness Owens and the diva model got booted first. John Saunders, the host, seemed shocked they lost. Anybody could have seen that implosion coming and the icing on the cake was when the diva looked at him and said "you are in the NFL? Why?" She threw down the gauntlet, then again I had to Google her - so maybe people who live in glass houses....

Finally a beacon of light in the darkness that is primetime network entertainment - The Office reruns are now on TBS. All is right with the world of television.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree. I'm so sick of the crap they're putting on television these days. Why is the crooked governor's wife a celebrity? This is so stupid, and Sanjaya? WTF?! We watched a bit of it and I begged Ron to change the channel before I stuck my head in the oven. Thank god for reruns.