Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Whiskers update...

Whiskers is still alive, and doing quite well I might add.

This weekend the little guy got a little more TLC. He got a bath and has been bumped up to three cc's of formula per feeding. He eats really well and this week will be getting a little oatmeal introduced into his diet, as well as a decreased amount of human contact. The decrease in human contact is to keep him from getting dependent on human care. When he is able to eat nuts and fruits then he will be able to be put back into his natural habitat.

Here are some pics from the weekend...
Baby squirrels get puppy milk replacement. Whiskers eats out of a syringe.

If you look closely his little hands hold onto the syringe. Much like a human baby. You have to hold his neck sometimes because he can move around a little and spill more than he actually eats.

After eating Whiskers got a new tee-shirt to sleep in, and got a bath. The Q-tips are used because they get into the tiny spots easier, it removes milk and other grime off his fur easily without dunking him.

He got his little armpits washed real good. His fingers/nails are pretty sharp so being careful is important.

He actually laid back and enjoyed the bath. He wasn't complaining one bit about being pampered.

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