Friday, March 4, 2011

Tampa travel log - day three...

Almost wrap-up time in Tampa as the 2011 Commodity Classic is starting to wind down and that means leaving sunny Florida and heading back to cold Kansas - bummer.

Nothing really blog worthy today, so I thought I'd share some pics from the week. Sorry the quality isn't that great, used the camera phone and was on the move most of the time.

It's hard to see, but St. Pete Times Forum is off in the distance. Home of the Tampa Bay Lightning. Thought about getting tickets, but unfortunately the next home game was Saturday night.

Off the patio dining at Jackson's. Great view, and great conversation with the table next to us.

Another view from our dinner experience. Birds actually fly in and steal food from empty tables. A few hang out on the lights until a table clears of people, then swoop down to get a bite to eat.

Happy Hour! Had a little sushi (this cost us $5). Salmon and rice roll - very, very tasty!

Day job meets weekend gig. Ethanol show car was set up in the National Corn Growers Association booth promoting NASCAR's partnership with American Ethanol and using an Sunoco's E15 blend in all three national series.

Our hotel view. There was a cruise ship that was ready to head out, but I couldn't get it in the photo.

Next to our hotel.

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