Our mission was to bring back a couple of intern prospects. In other words we need people who expect little, and work for less. I've been an intern, and although I had great experiences I do know some who have not. I want to make sure whoever I hire has a good experience. I digress.
On the way up north we pulled in to the Spearville gas station and grabbed a refreshment. I settled on the reliable small coke, while my cohort grabbed a steaming cup of coffee. As we come up to the register he eyes the newest craze in the Dodge City area - handmade burritos.
"These look tasty, I think they are calling. My. Name," he said as he pulled the case open and picked out a burrito for his breakfast enjoyment.
I can't stand scrambled eggs in a tortilla, so I passed.
We got only a few miles down the road before we were weaving like George Jones as he tried to unwrap breakfast. He took a bite, and then another and made a noise. More of an unpleasant grunt. My thought was he was choking and I was going to have to pull Sandra Bullock "Speed" like moves.
"I might have to deep six this," he said.
"What? Why?" I asked.
"This isn't very good," he seemed truly disappointed about his burrito not living up to standards.
"Oh, maybe it's just cold."
"No good," he stated again and proceeded to wrap it back up.
"What are you going to do with it," I asked. "I mean, you can't leave it in the car - it'll stink the joint up."
Without saying a work he rolled the window down and chucked the foil wrapped burrito out of the speeding Impala.
"You just through that out the window!" I said.
"Yeah," he chuckled. "What else was I supposed to do?"
It was quiet a second. "Well hell," I said. "You could have at least gave it to me to chuck out this window - so it's in the ditch and not on the damn center line!"
"Eh," he shrugged. "The birds will get it."
Yum. Delicious beans, eggs, tortilla, and bacon - birds love bacon. And eggs.
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