Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hippity hoppity...

My Easter was a short one. Unfortunately I don't get Good Friday off, so I had a short holiday weekend. I did, however, get pancakes with rabbit ears and let off a little steam in the driveway with a four-year-old. 

It also consisted of suit shopping with Dad, who doesn't shop. I did discover zipper ties, the lack of ventilation in retail stores, and how strong my stomach actually is - if I could hack my aunt's city driving riding in the back of a mortuary minivan, then I can handle anything. 

Mom's dog Toby even got to join the fun for the spring holiday. He even got a new shirt. He's looking pretty spiffy in his new digs. He enjoyed the chilling out on the porch, just like home. He hasn't been feeling to hot lately, so it was a little hard for him to get around, but he managed - and even got to spend some quality time in the sun during our outdoors Easter feast.

This year my cousin hosted Easter dinner. He recently has made some improvements to his place since the addition of his fiance. His four-year-old daughter was also there for a little bit, and she likes Toby. She also likes sidewalk chalk. Sis and I decided to blow off a little steam by picking up some chalk ourselves and adding our artistic touch to the drive. 

I drew a pig, but that wasn't flashy enough for Miss B. She also requested that the pig have blue eyes - just like hers. She also thought the pig needed earrings, painted toe nails (blue to match the earrings) and flip-flops. Do you have any idea how hard it is to draw flip flops on a set of hooves? 

"They need to be circles," she said. "I need to see that they look like flip flops." 

"While we're at it, why not add a princess crown?" I suggested. I figured it was coming anyway. 

"Yes!" she said, referring to the crown. And then in typical little person fashion she switched gears like a Miata. "I can draw a bunny!" 

Speaking of bunnies. I did get to enjoy a delicious home cooked breakfast on Easter morning. Aunt M made pancakes, shaped like rabbits. My rabbit had a lame ear, but it was still delicious - and much better than the customary cherry Pop Tart. 

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