Tuesday, July 2, 2013

First Class flyer...

Did you know that First Class air travelers get their nuts warmed up?

Can you find Waldo waiting for a flight in Charlotte?
Okay, get your mind out of the gutter. I am referring to mixed nuts. I had no idea that they handed out small glass dishes (like a ramekin) that are warmed to each passenger to compliment their beverage of choice. The best part was that the mixed nuts contained no peanuts, so we're talking high dollar gourmet snacking here. In addition to warmed nuts we also received hot towel service, and a light meal. Talk about living the high life!

I suppose you're probably asking, "how in the sam hell did you afford First Class tickets?" Your question is not out of line.

Traveling earlier this year allowed me the perk of sitting in the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport for eight hours and that was the reason I could afford the tickets. I was able to book in the front of the plane by using an airline voucher valued at $500 that I received in February after giving my seat up on a flight I had booked coming back from Tampa, Fla. Otherwise, no way would I have ever experienced the amazing-ness of First Class. I was first on the plane, and first off - right there was worth the ticket. There was no crouched standing to wait on the passenger with a bag that barely fit carry-on requirements, or the passenger that can barely carry their own bags because they are so heavy. Which makes me ask another question. Why are people scared to just check a bag? But, that's another blog.

My flight this time around was for a mini-vacation to North Carolina. I did something I have never done before. I traveled without a laptop. It was strange going through security pulling off shoes, and dropping the small liquid and gels bag in the tub, and not having to pull the laptop out to go through. It was also a lot lighter. Who knew that traveling with a mobile office was so painful? For the first time in a very long time I didn't feel like a pack mule walking through the airport. That was a vacation right there!

Nice view for a Saturday afternoon. 
What did I do on my vacation? No much of anything, and it was great. I had no schedules. I had no place to be. I had no work to do. It was just me, my friend, and the Carolina blue sky. Oh, and there was some pesky flash flooding on Friday night, but that was nothing too insane. We laid out by the community pool, went to a movie theatre that had tables and office chairs, rather than standard seating. The theatre sold an array of alcohol, too. Beer in the middle of the afternoon? Yes, please.

On Saturday we fired up the boat and hit Lake Norman and instead of jumping in the water I just laid in the front of the boat and soaked up the sun, before we cruised along the water and took in the scenery and fun that is being a lake bum.

It was nice to just unplug.

On the way home I had more warmed nuts, but no snack. Tortilla soup on an airplane? With my track record of spillage? I don't think so.

I wrapped up my vacation with a three-hour phone chat with my bestie to catch up on things because over the past two weeks there were text messages both ways that said, "It's a long story, too long to text."

Not a bad vacation. I may just have to do it again sometime, but I'll probably be sitting in Coach.

With no nuts at all.

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