Monday, April 7, 2008


Snooze fest. Yes, that's what the Texas race was to me yesterday. I nearly fell asleep and I don't sleep during races.

Maybe Stewart should start bitching....they did get better tires.

I'm working on a few new posts, so hopefully I'll have something for ya'll to read that's quality...okay, close to quality. Didn't want to get ahead of myself there.

By the way, take a look at Michael McDowell's crash from Friday's qualifying. Not exactly how you want to get your sponsors on TV.

  • Spectacular Crash

  • (poke around YouTube, it's pretty awesome)



    Anonymous said...

    Wow! I like the new look!

    Anonymous said...

    HOLY @#$%!!! I didn't even see the link before, but dang, that was one hell of a wreck! Cool!!