Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bringing in summer...

My mom hates Memorial Day Sunday.

"Isn't there something else we can watch besides racing?"

The answer is absolutely not. I mean, come on. She can’t be serious.

Between now and Memorial Day is a race fans dream. Not only is the Indianapolis 500 running, but the Coca Cola 600 runs as well. It’s 1100 miles of the world’s best racers battling for two of the most coveted trophies in motorsports.

Granted, nothing beats hoisting the Borg Warner trophy and sipping ice cold milk while they stick a wreath over your head, but the Coke 600 is a crowned jewel of the NASCAR circuit. It’s the longest race of the year, and it’s in the backyard of 95 percent of the race teams competing.

It’s all about tradition.

I remember as a kid lying in front of our television, the window air unit running because it was usually hot. Our living room was usually pretty dark to keep it cool and the pageantry of race day at Indy was just cool. I remember listening to Paul Page call the races (he now calls the NHRA events) after Jim Neighbors sang “Back Home Again in Indiana” and Mary George always gives the command to start the engines. I won’t ever forget that hot Sunday that would bring in summer, the right way.

I actually got to witness the 1998 Indianapolis 500 live, from the infield in turn 4. Eddie Cheever won that race I believe and that trip solidified my interest in fast cars and loud engines. Looking back though, it wasn’t about the cars it was the history that surrounded you. The best of the best raced at the Brickyard and we were lucky to be able to take that all in.

Until later…

Breaking news...Humpy Wheeler may be retiring!



Anonymous said...

AHH!! The start of summer! I miss that feeling. We only have one weather feature out here....boringly mild. We did hit a really hot stretch that felt like summer (went straight from 65 to 98 for 3 days then back to 65 for the next few months). Man, I'm missing summer. You know I hate the heat, but after 3 days I was starting to get used to it, then they pulled the rug out from under me and it went right back to a cool 65. But at least I got to break out my shorts for 3 days this year.

I'll have to tune in this year and watch.

Kris Heinze said...

Excellent little piece of writing here Far. You should start a racing column and I bet some major newspapers/mags would pick it up!