for complete boredom.
I have to admit that this gig I have been working the entire summer has taught me quite a bit. Today I get another lesson in the fascinating field of trade shows.
Here are a few things I've learned in just a few short hours-
The bigger the display, the smaller the booth...
The display I drug all over hell and creation before I found said booth is much larger than the area they've assigned. In fact, the broom closet with fancy doors isn't exactly on a prime piece of real estate. The plus, it's close to the crapper and closer yet to the vending machines.
People will act interested...
Most could care less. This is an event that most people come to because it gets them out of work. Any opportunity to get away from the office is a plus for many people. The thought of being unchained from their desk for more than a 30 minute lunch break has them giddy.
Humans have a hard time initiating conversation...
I firmly believe that with the eruption of e-mail and text messaging people have forgotten how to talk to other people. When you say hello they nearly jump from their skin, others him ha around.
"So, you're with soy biodiesel?"
"Nope, I'm actually with hotel, how was your room last night?"
It says all over the booth what we are and what we promote. Again, just take the damn literature and move along. I'll answer questions if you have them, but otherwise don't bother me.
Along the lines of communication...
I get all sorts of fun questions. I'll list below some of the best ones so far.
"I don't have a diesel, do I have to have a diesel to run biodiesel?"
No, I guess you don't. If you'd like your engine to blow go right on ahead and dump it on in. In your case I don't think you'd realize the difference. What part of bioDIESEL didn't you get. I could explain it more, but I think in your case I'd invest in Velcro shoes.
"So they actually use soybeans?"
Actually we thought the shape was conducive to design principles, and we really like the versatility the bean gave our promotions. Yes, we actually use soybean oil. It's that byproduct right there on that colorful graphic that explains what we do.
"So tell me about this Ethanol here?"
Are they serving Grey Goose martini's somewhere I'm not aware of? Perhaps you need the number to the local illiteracy support group.
Until I get more questions...
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