Thursday, September 25, 2008

On the road again...

Here is another batch of travel observations, this week I traveled to southeast Kansas.

First of all I just want to throw out a disclaimer here. I really don't have a problem with S.E.K, in fact, most of my fondest memories from college involve those three letters. Ask anybody from the area where they are from and they immediately say, S.E.K. They are never from a specific town, just the area. It's a fact, if you want a party to get fun sprinkle in a good ole boy (or girl) from S.E.K...instant fun.

On to my newest observations...

Built in helmets...

I have traveled to S.E.K quite a bit this summer and every time I trek in that direction I see many armadillos. I wondered today why there aren't any schools that have chosen this ugly little creature as a mascot. The 'fighting armadillos' has a nice ring to it, right? Then I realized that most of the armadillos I encounter are roadkill vulture kibble. These ugly animals are neither agile or quick, which probably makes them a poor choice for a mascot. However, they do have a great built in helmet. Then again if it worked there probably wouldn't be as many armadillo casualties.

This is I will stick to my day job.

I missed the memo...
Remember when using Kool-aid to color your hair was cool? I do. I never did it, but I was smart enough to realize that it was just a fad and it was out just as quick as it was in. Apparently adults in S.E.K are still holding on to their 90s youth. I must have missed the memo that Kool-aid was back in as a hair coloring option.

Then again, I don't think I could pull of 'very berry' as a hair color like these 20 somethings.

A bugs life...
After my trip I am convinced that Disney Pixar's 'A bugs life' was cast from S.E.K. I have never seen so many gnats in one place and they were obviously attracted to me today. I swallowed one that I KNOW of.

I guess soy isn't my only source of protein while I earn a paycheck.

Until my next trip!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Plus, the armadillo is kinda ugly. Oh and it carries leprosy if I'm not mistaken. Yet, I'm told (first hand) people from SEK chase them at night, wait for them to ball up, then put them on the hood of the car and drive around until it uncurls or you get to town. Which ever comes first.

Just a little tid-bit I'd heard.