Meet the tea cup pig.

I have done some research on the little porcine and have found them to be one of the best pets to own. Why did I research a miniature pig you ask? Well, it started with a celebrity, charity work and a camp for terminally ill kids. The mini-goat that was part of the day sparked the conversation, which led to the discussion of itty bitty piggies and why they are better than a mini-goat. The tiny goat is cute, but I have discovered that outside a petting zoo...I digress.
The tea cup pig can also be called the micro pig, the mini potbelly pig and pocket pig. These little swine grow to 35 pounds and generally do not exceed 50 pounds. They eat fruits and vegetables and are highly intelligent.

In fact, they are so intelligent owners are encouraged to baby proof their homes as if a two-year old were living there. They can spend all day plotting and intensely searching for food. Much like small children, if they are not properly stimulated they can become aggressive. Have you ever seen a toddler that has been cooped up for more than four hours – it ain’t pretty.
The tea cup pig is also like a small child or puppy when it comes to being entertained. They enjoy playing with toys and can provide several hours of amusement for an owner.
Like a dog (and let's face it - a child), the pig needs to be walked and does well on a leash. Of course, being seen walking downtown with a small farm animal on a dog leash may get you some strange looks.

The best part of the tea cup pig – they are quiet and affectionate animals. They don’t bark at six a.m., they don’t tear things up and chew on shoes, and the tea cup pig can be litter box trained in days. No pee pads, no poop piles on the carpet and they are hypoallergenic.
The best attribute of the tea cup pig - NO BARKING!
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