I find myself doing market research daily, surfing the net for the newest trends, hottest topics, and what buzz lurks around the corner.
Welcome to the future, I get paid to surf the net - it's where I have picked up most of my useless knowledge. What really surprises me sometimes is what can be considered a "website". Most places I stumble across are user generated content sites that have no basis for productivity at all. Hence, why I am lured into the black hole of website's like www.peopleofwalmart.com.
It's just a train-wreck.
The results have arrived and here are a few productivity suckers...
Here's the disclaimer part, the part where I tell you that I'm not responsible for any of the content on the below websites, and that I am merely sharing things that have caught my personal attention in the past few days. I'm not encouraging, nor condoning, visiting any of them. In fact, I'm not making any of the links hot for a couple reasons. Reason one, I don't want to be on their list of referrals when they track their site. Reason two, I want to refrain from my lack of productivity poisoning your productivity by tempting you with tangents. Reason three, if you want to look bad enough, you'll cut and paste.
www.RandomCreepyGuy.com We've all seen that idiot in the background of live television shots, or random pictures. This site is dedicated to those shots. An entire website of photos with some moron in the background.
www.whoissettling.com Nine times out of 10 seeing a couple walking down the street you wonder, why? This website let's you be the judge. A site dedicated to photos of couples, it's up to you to decide who is settling by throwing in the towel instead of playing the field.
www.thatsmyboss.com If you think your boss is a jerk, read these gems. You'll go hug that jerk.
www.whitetrashrepairs.com Name should tell the story, you never know, there may be a new idea ahead.
These sites are all products of three ring blogs, the fine people who brought you www.peopleofwalmart.com. Their entire stock of blogs could eat up an entire day of my life. Some days you just need to feel better about yourself. Hey, don't judge...it's cheaper than a trip to the State Fair.
1 comment:
www.whitetrashrepairs.com = my favorite!!!
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