Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ask the blogger...

Another installment of "Ask the Blogger"...

Dear Institution,
Recently I am feeling more and more stressed at work. I'm not sure what the problem seems to be, as my routine hasn't really changes all that much. Do you have any good ideas to help me deal with it?

Stressed Out

Dear Stressed,
I have the perfect solution for you. If you have an office it works even better. Simply shut the door, turn off the light and hide. You can't work if they can't find you.

Good luck!


Dear Institution,
A co-worker insists on leaving their cell phone on in their belt clip. This isn't normally a problem, but they have their ring tones set to "ear bleeding" levels. How do I approach this problem tactfully?

Best regards,
What did you say?

Dear huh,
Everyone has one or two people they work with that seem to be a little hard of hearing, it happens. Here's my advice: snatch the phone from the belt clip and show them how to put it on vibrate. If there isn't a vibrate option then shut it off and tell them you fixed it. They'll figure it out eventually. The best part will be watching them freak out when they think their phone is broken.



Dear Institution,
I have a hard time with people who don't listen. I mean, I try to convey my concerns and they jump in before I can finish! What in the hell am I supposed to do?


Dear Muted,
Wow, that can be tough. You want to remain professional, but these folks obviously need a slap up side the head. Here's what you do, during the next meeting call them out. Simply shout, "hey, I wasn't done talking" and when the room is awkwardly silent resume your presentation of information. If that doesn't seem to work then completely go off the deep end. Start talking to yourself, pull your hair or violently rub your eyes. Make it look like a mental breakdown. Everyone in the room will be so flustered they'll end the meeting and you can go on avoiding the issues in the first place - like every good corporate worker bee.

Best of luck!

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