I was asked by the Alpha Omega (K-State) chapter of Sigma Alpha to contribute to their blog Everything Agriculture as an alumni. I had the privilege of serving as charter president nearly 10 years ago, and have also served as president of the alumni chapter at Kansas State. It is an incredible organization for women in agriculture, and I'm fortunate to be a part of it.
This was my submission, so I thought I'd go ahead and post it here. Check out their blog - it's a great way for them to get agriculture perspectives out to a new audience while introducing them to Sigma Alpha. I'm very proud of the leaps and bounds they've made to incorporate new things into the chapter. I look forward to meeting several new faces in August and September as the two chapters have the opportunity to meet and network.
Being a part of something can be life altering. Sigma Alpha is that something.
Sigma Alpha at Kansas State University was founded on the belief that women in agriculture could be a cohesive group without compromising who they were as individuals. It was the promise of an organization that would embrace women with agriculture backgrounds. It was like minded women, with common interests and goals that could push each other to greatness.
The charter class of Alpha Omega paved a path for women at Kansas State with opportunity. Sigma Alpha not only provides the resources and tools for a career in the agriculture industry, but provides support in getting there with bonds of friendship.
This is not just a campus organization to put on a resume. It is a tool that can help shape your future— both professionally and personally— and it doesn’t end after earning a degree. And that’s the best part.
Life will happen. It is inevitable that those you are with today, you may not be with tomorrow. You will likely take different paths and you may drift apart, but you will always share that sisterhood no matter where life leads. Memories you make now will make you smile nearly 10 years later, and you’ll be proud of your sisters and the paths they’ve all taken—I know I am.
I’ve had the privilege to know and serve with great women, and I have Sigma Alpha to thank for that.
I was a part of something big. I just didn’t realize at the time how big it really was.
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