Friday, June 8, 2012

Back in the day...

We might have retired Grandpa's old combine, but we still have his first one, or one just like it - a John Deere 55.

It has no cab, a wooden reel, and it still runs like it did all those years ago. Dad remembers being little and riding along with Great-Grandpa in the wheat field. Think of all the child labor advocates coming out of the woodwork today if a kid was riding on a combine without a cab.

Grandpa bought this old 55 at a farm sale several years ago for a steal when he was well. He brought it back to the farm where it now sits in the shed as a reminder of years past and how easy we have it now. A cab with a nice frosty breeze of air is quite nice compared to eating dirt and chaff for days on end.

 Here are some pics of the old machine.

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