Monday, March 11, 2013

Splish splash...

Being a working professional can often times suck life right out of you, or worse, kill brain cells. I've discovered that my recent three-year stint of being a banana slug from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. might have something to do with fact that I am miserable most of the time. 

As I was somewhere off the coast of Alabama about 37,000 feet in the air I had an epiphany. I needed an attitude adjustment. Life didn't suck, I just made it suck by letting myself be boring. I had to face the cold, harsh reality that my getting the hell out of Dodge plan isn't exactly being expedited. I love my job, but my location is mediocre at best. I don't have another offer on the table, so I'll be sticking around for a little while and the only thing I can do is just suck it up and make the best of it. 

By the way. Being a grown-up is sooooo overrated. I'm just sayin'. 

So then the question became, what do I do to make it suck less? I have to be somewhat selective here. I'm not really looking to learn another language, I have an e-reader, I don't run, and walking around this town can be sketchy during certain times. I don't have the money to take a basket weaving class with the football team at the community college, and I really don't want to have to be around a lot of people. 

I know, I'm particular. 

I then remembered the Sheridan Activity Center, and that it had recently been taken over by the YMCA. It was a long shot because I didn't want to play basketball, and I am not really into aerobics or Zumba because if you'll remember I'm a banana slug and they don't have any rhythm. I clicked around and came across something called the "wild water workout," and "aqua Zumba." 

My interest was piqued. Three days a week I could basically jump around in the water and maybe, just maybe tone up a bit. I figured I'd check it out. It couldn't kill me - I mean, I can tread water. The first class was on Tuesday and I went and paid for both classes. I was slightly nervous because I hadn't worn a swim suit in about five years, but I gave myself a reality bitch slap and decided to buck it up. 

"Hey, fatty - you're not getting any better by laying around your crappy apartment," I said to myself. "Stop being a freakin' hermit and get off your lazy ass." 

So, I found myself at the pool about to start my first class. 

I learned a lot during the hour-long wild water workout. There were seven of us in class, I was the youngest by about 10 years, and I wasn't even the heaviest person there. In fact, I looked like a twig, and they all pranced around in their swim suits like nobody was watching - so maybe I could do it, too. Oh, are you kidding? I still kept my swim shorts on. 

Once the hour was over I felt confident that I had made the right decision. It was fun, and I could see myself coming every week. The next class right after was aqua Zumba, and I had zero idea of what to expect. I knew what Zumba was, and let's be honest the only way I'd do Zumba is while intoxicated. Even then, I probably would be so lost I'd crumple to the floor and pout. (See, there's that stellar attitude). 

I hopped back into the pool with some very nice older ladies. Again, I was tiny compared to a few ladies. And, I do have to say that they deserve kudos for showing up to the pool in a swimsuit and walking around like they own the joint. I wish I had that kind of confidence - especially wearing swim wear. The Zumba instructor is outside of the pool while about eight of us wait and move around to get warmed up. She pops in some music that sounds eerily familiar (Johnson girls - it sounds like Benny Hanna) and she starts the routine. 

Let me sum up aqua Zumba. It's just like regular Zumba, but you can fake it better. 

I had zero idea what the hell was going on, but I just bounced around in the pool like I was a Zumba pro. And, to be honest - I looked exactly like everyone else. 

I think I might have found something to get me off the couch. At least for five hours a week I can unplug from the rat race and do something good for myself. 

It's about time.  


MO said...

Ba ha ha! It's Benny Lava! I'm listening to that right now! Your stories always make me laugh! And I think aqua zumba looks like a fun way to workout! Keep it up!!

sflfk said...

Hanna, lava...same diff. still weird.